Emotional Body® lessons center around the instruction of the emotional effector patterns, while using somatic education methods to help you understand how to fully embody these patterns and physically “tune into” your body using all your senses (sight, smell, taste, sound, touch, and movement). Gentle and gradually paced lessons raise your awareness of minute muscle movements, breathing patterns, and emerging feelings. Lessons are designed to connect these somatic sensing skills with the development of physical self-regulation of emotions, emotional resilience, fluency and personal expression. Learning how emotions emerge and express in and through your body resulting in clear and regulated physical expressions is an essential element in achieving somatic self-regulation of emotion.
Emotional Body coursed follow consent-based and trauma-informed teaching practices, constantly placing the emphasis on the learner's personal agency with the use of invitational language, respect for the learner's privacy and pace, and acknowledgement of individual tolerance levels.
"Through the practice of this technique I learned how my body processes emotion from a different point of view and with that came empowerment. My body is no longer the "victim" of emotions, it is the vessel in which I allow them to live freely, without fear." ~ Cora Kennedy, Actor (Toronto Training, 2019)
Emotional Body courses may also incorporate additional somatic methods and consent based practices like Feldenkrais® Awareness, Through Movement® lessons, The Kinēsa® Process, Laban, Suzuki, Lessac, Yoga, Dance, Theatrical Intimacy Education, and Estill Voice® lessons to help individuals achieve an even deeper understanding of consent practices, and physical, vocal and fully embodied expressions of the patterns inherent in their behavior, and provide new choices in expression.
Click on the links below to learn more about these methods, how we utilize them in our practice, and how you could learn to cultivate your expressive capabilities and apply these new skills to your personal and professional development.